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The Novel

$5.00 per month

The After Chat is an unfiltered conversation with Chelsea following the Melanin Chat live stream on YouTube.
  • 🀎 Access to the After Chat!
  • 🀎 Access to weekly writing sprints
  • 🀎 Access to a private Discord server.

The Series

$10.00 per month

The DNF’d Book Club, presented by the Melanin Library, is a place where readers are required to respect the book, not finish it. Hosted by authors C. M. Lockhart, La Purvis, and Tatiana Obey, it is a safe space for readers to have real, in-depth discussions about books written by Black authors with the ultimate goal of promoting Black authors to a wider audience. Meetings are held the last Wednesday of every other month at 7p EST in the Discord server.
  • πŸ’œ Access to the DNF'd Book Club!
  • 🀎 Access to the After Chat!
  • 🀎 Access to weekly writing sprints
  • 🀎 Access to a private Discord server.

The Author

$25.00 per month

This tier is for those looking for one-on-one mentorship. Being an author and publishing your own work can be daunting, so once a month, we'll meet with each other to discuss and work through any questions about this author journey you may have!
  • πŸ’š Monthly coaching session with C. M. Lockhart!
  • πŸ’œ Access to the DNF'd Book Club!
  • 🀎 Access to the After Chat!
  • 🀎 Access to weekly writing sprints
  • 🀎 Access to a private Discord server.

Thank you for your support!

Donating to the Melanin Library helps keep it a free resource everyone can access. Leave a message with your donation and we'll try to reply!
